Arts Newsletter 9/7/18

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This week at Arts Scholars...

Welcome back everyone! We hope you are settling in to the 2018/2019 school year! All Arts Scholars will receive these newsletter weekly. They contain reminders and information about upcoming events in the community.

Field trip sign ups!

Field trip sign ups are now available on Canvas. Students should sign up for only ONE field trip by next Tuesday.  If additional seats are still available, we'll open them up for students to make use of closer to the date of the trip. Please find details on how to sign up in the Announcements section of Canvas.

Scholars Weekly

Every Wednesday, a Scholars Community newsletter is distributed via email with all sorts of important announcements and items you'll not want to pass up.  If you are in Scholars, you'll probably find the Weekly somewhere in your inbox.  Unearth it, read it, and make use of this fantastic (and FREE) resource.

ARTS Advisory Board

If you are an Arts Scholar, then you are already a member of the Arts Advisory Board!  Thing is, the AAB is a student run entity that relies on its members to contribute to making your scholars experience a richer one through the planning of special events like coffee houses or talent showdowns with other Scholars programs.  The sky's the limit!  That said, the next meeting of AAB (open to anyone in Arts) will be held Monday (September 10) following the first year colloquium (at 7:15pm) in CCC1100. 


No ideas are too big or small!  Contribute your creative ideas or list of arts interests you'd like to explore to ARTS Advisory Board.




Monday's colloquium will feature a workshop with two artists from Dance ExchangeWear comfortable clothing.

SAB Representative

First Year Arts Scholars, this one's aimed at you!  If you enjoy connecting with other students from other programs to gain experience in event planning, fundraising, and sharing ideas that will help support the continued success of College Park Scholars,  you are in luck!  Consider applying to be a Scholars Advisory Board representative.  Contact sophomore rep. Justyn Alexander for more details.
 Arts. Needs. YOU!  




Ask the Experts, featuring Arts alums who will share with you the best kept secrets, insider advice, and short cuts to coming up with and delivering the best capstone project this side of the Potomac. Bring your ideas and questions and see how they hold up against these seasoned cap'stoners.


Pentathlon Opportunities

NextNOW 2018 is this weekend at the Clarice! Lots of opportunities for Pentathlon credit!
Glances from Infinity: Department of Art Faculty Exhibition opened this week at the UMD Art Gallery in the Art-Sociology building. On till November 30.
See the most recent show at the Stamp Gallery, Pink is a Color that Feels Like Love. On till October 6.

Know of any events on campus that other Arts Scholars should attend? Let Kenna know!

Other Opportunities

Merriweather Post Pavilion is looking to hire a few additional staff for the final concerts of the season over the last two weekends of September.  If you are interested in applying, please contact Harold for additional information.

Stamp is looking for a guest services assistant.
Career Shuttle: National Museum of African American History & Culture
Friday, September 14, 8 am-3 pm
Join the Career Shuttle to the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture on Friday, September 14! Opened to the public in 2016, the NMAAHC is the newest branch of the Smithsonian and it's mission is to document African American history, culture, and life. 

During the visit, the group will learn about internship and career opportunities with the museum and hear from professionals working in various departments of the museum. Learn more about internships and fellowships with NMAAHC here:

On Friday, September 14, meet promptly in the University Career Center (3100 Hornbake Library, South Wing) at 8:00 am. The group will travel by bus to the NMAAHC. The information session will last from roughly 9:30-11:30 am. Afterwards, you will have about 2 hours to eat lunch and tour the museum. The group will depart the museum around 1:30 pm and should be back to campus no later than 3 pm. Please Kate Juhl at with questions about this event.

Erasable Inc. is an improv group on campus. They perform every Friday from 1 to 2 pm in front of McKeldin Library in case you're interested in seeing what they're about. Interested in joining?
Auditions: Thursday, 9/13 @ 6pm Art/sociology and Saturday, 9/15 @ 9:30am, lobby of The Clarice.

Our mailing address is:
Arts Scholars
1110 Bel Air Hall
Or drop by and say hi!

This newsletter was sent on September 7, 2018.

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