SFAA 2017 Panel Participants Opening

Museum topic related panel is open for participants to submit abstracts for the 2017 SFAA Conference!

The title and panel abstract is located below.

The deadline for abstract submissions is Oct. 7 to M. Tina Zarpour:

M. Tina Zarpour, MAA, PhD
Director of Programs & Interpretation, San Diego History Center
e: tzarpour@sandiegohistory.org
Principal, Zarpour Cultural Heritage Resources
e: mtzarpour@gmail.com

Dealing with the “C” Word: What Does “Community” Mean in Museum Practice?

Museums, like many other cultural institutions, have caught the “C” bug. Notions of what “community” means and the manner in which it is constituted can often be used and abused among the various museum stakeholders and constituencies: audiences, trustees, funders, colleagues, the people we intend to serve, etc.  At the same time, anthropology as a field has long experience in dealing with the fraught notion of community. What insights can anthropologists as museum practitioners bring to the table to help sort it all out?